About AxisPortals Aphorisms

Purpose and Personality

The AxisPortals Aphorisms blog is aimed at those who are interested in technology, but who are generally still exploring.  Each post aims  to examine or illuminate an idea, and to provide paths toward learning more.  That’s the “long of IT.”  Each post ends with a brief “AxisPortals Aphorism” that encapsulates the entry.  That’s the “short of IT.”

Of course, the AxisPortals blog is also designed to be a space for general exploration and celebration of technology, so the blog includes serious and businesslike entries, but also playful, light, and humorous ones.

About the Author

AxisPortals Aphorisms is authored by Kathy A. Fitch, President of AxisPortals.  Learn more about Kathy on LinkedIn, or follow her AxisPortals updates on Twitter.

Please Note: Throughout the blog, the author employs the device of referring to herself as “AxisPortals.”  This device is employed for three reasons:  1) Because this blog supports the AxisPortals website and business, it seems suitable for “AxisPortals” to write it, 2) Kathy enjoys the challenge of avoiding reliance on first person pronouns, and 3) AxisPortals gets a kick out of it.

AxisPortals enjoys hanging out with college students.

AxisPortals (seated at center) enjoys hanging out with college students.

Dickens the Wonder Mutt is the sort of dog AxisPortals highly approves of.

Dickens the Wonder Mutt is the sort of dog AxisPortals highly approves of.

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